
  • 马特Whiat
  • 马特Whiat
    查普曼创始合伙人 & Co. 领导学院

那是2011年的夏天. We were somewhere high above South Asia in a US Air Force cargo jet. 作为空军机动司令部的中校, I was escorting NYT bestselling author Simon Sinek in and out of Afghanistan to help him better understand the people and mission of the US Air Force. 出乎意料的是,那天外围十大菠菜app发现自己在护送别人.

Centered in the cargo bay before us rested the casket of a fallen soldier. 美国国旗正好盖在顶部, its brilliant color proudly defiant against the drab aluminum floor. 当外围十大菠菜app向西飞驰时, family and loved ones of the fallen awaited his unexpected early homecoming and were well into the throes of emotion from a life forever changed. 外围十大菠菜app静静地坐着,听着喷气发动机有节奏的嗡嗡声, witness to an overpowering sense of sacrifice that neither of us had known before.

When we landed, an honor guard of service members transferred the casket with the utmost of dignity. 船上的每个人都以敬礼和泪水迎接这一庄严的举动. 外围十大菠菜app谁也不认识那个士兵,这没有关系, 只知道他服务过别人,把别人放在第一位. 在那一刻, 在沉默和悲伤中, 于是决定举办一个以“服务他人”为中心的活动.”

Simon and I decided to hold a TEDx event, the only one of its kind in the Department of Defense. A TEDx event is an independently run gathering licensed by the nonprofit organization TED (Technology Entertainment and Design) in order to facilitate “good ideas worth spreading.”

We began by compiling a list of possible speakers whom we thought best embodied our “service to others” theme. 西蒙把鲍勃·查普曼也加入了名单. 这是我第一次听说鲍勃或者 Barry-Wehmiller. It was not long before I recognized and appreciated Bob’s unwavering and emphatic commitment to people and his calling to awaken business leaders to the opportunity business holds to be the greatest positive force in our society. As Bob completed his speech, the standing ovation foretold future interest in his message. 到目前为止,有超过42000人在YouTube上观看了鲍勃的TEDx.

作为外围十大菠菜app会面的结果, our top generals began attending Communications Skills Training (CST) through Barry-Wehmiller University and returning to Scott Air Force base as advocates. Their endorsement cleared the way for Scott to host its own Barry-Wehmiller-developed CST, a course centered on listening that invites attendees to elevate the way they relate to others. Over 200 uniformed graduates from all the military services have taken CST with plans for further expansion. Graduates of this life-changing course report more meaningful interactions with their families and coworkers. They now view conflict as a conversation starter rather than a competition of words. And they attribute greater fulfillment at work and home to the use of empathy and patience in their listening. It is clear the benefits of practicing a truly human language can unite us all, 不管外围十大菠菜app的衣服是迷彩服还是商务休闲服.

When my family and I recently made the decision to leave the military after more than 20 years of service, 我没有看我能从哪里得到最多, 而是我能付出最多的地方. Barry-Wehmiller and our journey together had already been so influential to so many, 穿不穿制服. I wasn’t looking for a job; I was looking for a family devoted to a noble calling.  The decision to join the Barry-Wehmiller family was not just a logical step, it was a heartfelt one.

就像我的同事, I want my children to grow into a world where they have the opportunity to work for an organization where they are valued not only for what they can give, 而是因为他们是谁. Where leaders see their role as stewards of the lives entrusted to their care, whether on a distant battlefield or in the offices and manufacturing facilities of America and abroad. 一个鼓舞人心的组织, 关心和庆祝其团队成员,并送他们安全回家, 健康和满足. I want them to be part of an organization that permits their growth so they can develop their talents and live up to their full potential. In return they will give not only their hands, but their heads and hearts. I do not want Barry-Wehmiller to be one of the few organizations in which they can find this environment.

Good parenting and a good education, while necessary, are not enough by themselves. Even the strongest of young trees will struggle to survive the desert that many of our workplaces have become. 是时候让它下雨了. 正如维克多·雨果所说, “All the forces in the world are not so powerful as an idea whose time has come.”

This call for recognizing the power of business to positively influence our world is not limited to a person or a company. It is for all of us who want to advance the beliefs and actions of themselves and others that the way we treat one another in our workplaces echoes into our society today and into our children’s future. 外围十大菠菜app需要雨水. I am honored to be a member of a team that is helping to transform deserts.

In January 2014, 马特Whiat joined Barry-Wehmiller’s Organizational Empowerment Team. 通过他们的外展项目, they are sharing Barry-Wehmiller’s leadership experiences with other organizations. 马特打算在扩大这些努力方面发挥关键作用.


Need help in applying principles of Truly Human 领导 in your organization? 查普曼 & Co. 领导学院 is Barry-Wehmiller's leadership consulting firm that partners with other companies to create strategic visions, 参与员工, improve corporate culture and develop outstanding leaders through leadership training, 评估及工作坊.

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